Project overview Want to eat something fresh of the grill?
Our software solution provides end users with information about hot grill in restaurants. The main idea before we created this product, was to create app that is dedicated to grill restaurants and grill culture.

Admin profile for grill managers Put the info that grill is done
When you don't want to waste your time on fiding a good restaurant that serves freah grill. Now, with this app, managers can update the status, letting know their custorers when the grilled meat is done and our users can see that update on the map in our app.

Map All restaurants are listed on the map
We wanted to make it easy and readable. So we chose the KISAP method (Keep It Simple As Possible) to detect freshly grilled meat on the map. If the meat is still being prepared the icon will be dynamic. That dynamic icon will change color with time- from yellow to red, and when the meat is done, you will see static red icon that will change color to gray in a few hours. So you can detect where the grill is hot and fresh off the grill.

Project Details
Project is now in its MVP stage, and we are working hard on introducing some new features. For backend development we are using Ruby on Rails and MySQL database, and for the frontend development we chose React. Mobile apps for Android and iOS are being developed by using React Natve. There are also plenty of 3rd party integrations like Google maps, Sendgrid, Firebase etc.
SkillsProject management, Backend development, Frontend development, Mobile development, Design.
DateMay, 3 2018